Coronavirus and Travel: The Questions We Are All Asking

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By now, coronavirus is affecting all of us.

Some regions are on lock down, others seem to be headed that way. There are travel bans and warnings up the wazoo. Governments have ordered the public to practice social distancing and self-quarenting which has people all over the world stocking up on essentials. 

The world health organization is calling this a global pandemic. 

Should you still travel?

The disheartening answer is NO, you should absolutely not travel right now. Now is the time to hunker down, practice social distancing protocols and do our best to flatten the curve. We need to do this to protect society’s most vulnerable, and if that doesn’t inspire you (shame on you), then do it so we can get through this as quickly as possible and all get back to some version of “normal life”. As we have seen this virus spread across the globe, we have to admit that traveling has certainly helped to spread the illness. Experts agree limiting travel, and social distancing will flatten the curve. 

Should you cancel your already scheduled trip? 

No, you should postpone all travel, but try to avoid cancelling if possible. Responsible travel companies have already taken wide measures to suspend all travel. The overwhelming plea to postpone and not cancel has become the travel industry’s new mantra, and we agree. We urge the travel community to help lessen the negative effects on the travel industry. This pandemic will end, and we will be able to enjoy all of life’s pleasures once again in the near future. Have faith that you will be able to take your next holiday, you just might have to change the dates.

Is it OK to be planning a trip for the future?

Yes, absolutely! Many of us are isolated at home with symptoms of boredom and anxiety. A great way to take your mind off the coronavirus is to plan your next vacation. And if you are not safe at home because you are still having to physically go to work; you are probably the heroes saving lives and keeping the essential services running, and you folks will be the most deserving of a holiday when all of this is over.

There is no harm in dreaming about when you can wander through the rainforest listening to the sounds of the birds again; or in looking forward to sinking your toes into warm sand while watching the sun set over the horizon. You don’t necessarily have to book the flight or a non-refundable hotel in these uncertain times, but you can certainly prowl instagram, pinterest and your favourite travel bloggers* for inspiration. *They need all the love they can get right now too. 

Should you make any new bookings or reservations?

If the date is at least a few months away AND the cancellation policy is right, make that booking. Also, hot tip: it is more important than ever right now to use a travel agent or tour operator to book your trip – that way should you need to make changes, you have a booking agent on your side. Travel insurance is also always a must, but now you may want to read the fine print and opt for a policy that lets you cancel for any reason.

Many travel providers are still offering services after 30 days from now and beyond. If we all commit to our social responsibilities, you will be able to take flight again sooner than in worst-case scenarios. Should coronavirus go on for longer than currently anticipated, responsible travel companies will continue to adjust and hopefully take care of their travelers. 

Think about it. Reviews on sites like tripadvisors are going to come to a halt since nobody is traveling and most attractions and activities are shut down. That means no one can afford a negative review about flexibility during the coronavirus. Now, please don’t take that last comment out of sorts and start using this against honest travel businesses. Remember, don’t cancel, postpone!

As a travel provider, should I be selling and encouraging travel at a time like this?

I believe the answer is yes. While I don’t think it is ethical to push hard deals or market sales for travel in the near future, there is no reason we cannot continue the conversation. I know anxieties are running high and cabin fever is setting in. I hope I can help to distract a fellow travelers from today’s woes and worries and inspire hope for the future. Should we manage to make a booking in these uncertain times, you can be sure we will hold ourselves to the standards of fellow responsible travel companies and do everything in our power to postpone affected trips.

I love that the travel community is coming together to spread light and positivity, and we definitely want to continue to be a part of that.

We are pleased to annouce the launch of our new website. I hope you enjoy discovering Costa Rica the OutStanding way. With the launch of our website also comes the launch of our blog, something I am very excited about!

I want to use this platfrom we have created to share the diversity of Costa Rica with you.

I am going to write about the places to visit in Costa Rica, both on and off the main tourist trail. I’m going to share with you my personal experiences and those of my passengers. I have so many stories to tell you from my time tour guiding adventure groups, from my solo travels, from my family travels and from romantic getaways with my husband.

Touring with family -friends in Guancaste

Climbing trees in Monteverde

Discovering hidden beaches with my love


I’m going to share quintessential tips with you about traveling in Costa Rica. Things you need to do to stay safe and healthy while you are here, I’ll even share packing lists for different trip styles because there are so many different climates you could find yourself in here – 12 micro-climates to be exact. I also want to share with you about what it’s like to live in Costa Rica.

I want to hear from you as well! I want to create an OutStanding community. If there is something you would like to know or for me to write about, please let me know by e-mailng or posting on our facebook page.

Watch this space for great travel stories, tips and information about Costa Rica.

To learn more about OutStanding Costa Rica, please visit our about us page.

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